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  • Brampton Office

    The Honourable William G. Davis Centre for Families
    60 West Drive, Suite 201, Brampton, ON L6T 3T6

    • 905.450.1608
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    2227 South Millway
    Unit 202, Mississauga, ON L5L 3R6

    • 905.897.1644
  • Orangeville Office

    Dufferin Child and Family Services
    655 Riddell Road, Orangeville, ON, L9W 4Z5

    • 905.450.1608
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    18 King Street East, Unit D8,
    Bolton, ON L7E 1E8

    • 905.450.1608

Partner Assault Response (PAR) Program

Book Your Intake

If you have difficulty booking your appointment online, please call 905-450-1608 Ext 205.

The Partner Assault Response (PAR) program is a Domestic Violence Court initiative. Referrals to the program are received through the criminal court system, and Probation and Parole. The PAR program delivers a specialized community-based group education/counselling to clients who have been mandated by the court to attend the program in response to a criminal charge involving domestic violence. The program is funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Ontario Victim Services.

To learn more about how to register, to join a group or to make a referral call the Central Intake Line: 905.450.1608 ext. 205 

Le programme d’Intervention auprès des partenaires Violents (IPV) est une initiative des tribunaux spécialisés en matière de violence familiale.  Ce programme offre l’éducation et les services communautaires de consultation en groupe aux contrevenants. IPV est mandaté par le tribunal en réponse à une accusation criminelle de violence familiale. Le programme est financé par Services aux victimes – Ontario du Ministère de la Procureure gènèrale,

Services en Français:
Si vous désire du service en français veiller nous contacter au 905-450-1608 ext. 205 

Program Details

  • Groups run for 12 sessions and are 120 minutes in duration.
  • Groups are co-facilitated by an experienced team of facilitators.
  • Sessions run weekly.
    • Sessions are run during the week in the evenings.
    • Weekend sessions are run on Saturday mornings and in the afternoon.

PAR Groups

The PAR program offers individuals who have used violence in their intimate relationships the opportunity to explore their beliefs towards intimate relationships and enhance the skills required for safe and supportive relationships. The PAR Program aims to enhance victim safety and hold offenders accountable for their behaviour.

We offer multicultural PAR groups that are facilitated in English. Participants have the opportunity to obtain a language interpreter at no cost if needed.

We also offer South Asian PAR groups, which are facilitated in Punjabi. These groups are specialized and are tailored to address issues that are unique to South Asian families.

Program Fees

There is a standard fee for service. Subsidies are available for people with financial constraints and are determined based on eligibility. Supporting documentation is required.

Registration and Intake

Clients will need to attend an intake session to assess for suitability and eligibility. During the intake, we will gather information about the client’s situation and assess any needs for additional supports and referrals. Clients will also be provided with more detailed information about the program. Clients must complete an intake session before being accepted into the program.

Partner Contact

The Partner Contact Program is part of the Partner Assault Response (PAR) program. When an individual enrolls in the PAR program, Client Support Workers will contact the current and past partner of the PAR participant to offer support, information and referrals to community resources. Partner Contact can help clients:

  • Understand the dynamics of abuse
  • Develop a safety plan
  • Find counselling services within and/or outside our agency
  • Understand risk factors in their relationship

For more information, please contact the Partner Contact line: 905.450-1608 ext. 205