Wellness and Support Groups
Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin offers wellness and counselling support in group settings that can help participants feel less isolated, share their experiences and learn from one another.
Why are groups beneficial? They provide:
- Mutually supportive group settings
- Information and education
- Strategies for survivors to cope with trauma
- Support with developing healthy behaviors and relationships
We offer Support and Wellness Groups on a range of topics:
- Finding ways to cope with difficult feelings and emotions
- Managing stress in healthy ways
- Becoming more present and aware of yourself
- Seeing yourself with compassion, kindness and love
- Learning how to stay calm and find inner peace
- Recognizing, slowing down or stopping automatic and habitual reactions
- Responding more effectively to complex or difficult situations
- Seeing situations more clearly
- Becoming more creative
- Achieving balance and resilience at work and at home
To learn more about our Wellness and Support groups, contact (905) 450-1608 ext. 112 or email info@cfspd.com.